
Friday, 15 June 2018


I reading we have been making school for the hole school.
First we made prototypes.then we had to print them out to put them out on the wall.
Then we had to give feedback. Then we had to go back and lock at our prototypes  of what feedback they gave us then we have to fix up what they said but you did-dent.have to do what they said. Then we had to print. the challenging bit was to print.The most insetting bit was to make them.

Tuesday, 12 June 2018


In maths we are learning about measurement.

Today we learnt about meters

first we wrote items in the class that we thought was about a meter we went to sea if we where correct  then we did  the difference.

next i measure them with a 1 meter ruler i then had to work out the difference between my guess and the actual measurement.

i thought that was hard that was hard to find what to find to measure something to measure. i enjoy writing the stuff down.