
Tuesday, 8 December 2020

How plants grow

Plants grow from water and sun. how does the water effect the plant to grow the water gives the plant important nutrient to help it grow to it full standard. 

Soil supply's, fibre, and a network of water and air to the plant's roots. Plants can grow without soil, but they will need structures to support them, the correct amount of water and air to their roots, and enough minerals. ... They can use the minerals  in the soil, in some cases lowering it.

Plants need sun to grow too? How does the sun help the plants grow? The sun helps plants grow by providing energy that process of to occur. Leaf is the way plants convert lifeless resources, such as sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, and minerals, into organic resources that the plant can use. The sun helps humans in several ways.  

Monday, 7 December 2020

EOTC week reflection

 EOTC week

Last week we went to 3 out of school activities and they were jellie park,adrenaline forest and visiting the city my favourite place we went to was jellie park. My favourite part of jellie park was the diving board i liked the diving board because we got to bomb,s of the diving boards and just have fun.

I got challenged on the diving board there two diving boards there was one that was about 1 meter from water and  there was a tall one that was about 2.5 meters. From the surface i could jump off it easy but i tried to do a bomb of the tall one ive never done one before.

Other than the diving boards i did like the outdoor pool as well i like playing around with my friends.

If we did EOTC week again i would want to do jellie park again because it was really fun. Adrenaline forest again because we didn't have enough time to do get to the high levels.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020



In our drama class we have been doing freeze frames the techniques that we used 

levels,spacial relationships,facial expressions and gesture here is a picture 

So in these freeze frame there were 3 bullies that bulling the 1 kid then the teacher catches them bulling him and the bullies ran away  

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

The holidays

In the holidays I went to the park with my friend James. It was a good day for it because it was a really hot day so we decided to play 1v1 basketball we played for 15 mins. We were 1 for 1 getting shots in the hoop. Then James got a good three pointer and he made the scores 20 to 23 and he won. So after he one we went to kick the soccer ball into the goal but one of us were in the goal I got a good goal in the top right corner. When that happend we stopped and had passes with the league ball.  After we got really board. Went home and played Ps4 For a few hours. Then we played water fight because we were sweating that coaled us down.   

Friday, 25 September 2020

Skills in drama

Skills in drama 

to understand drama you need to.                                     Developing Drama ideas  

Listen                                                                                       understand ideas                           

Focus                                                                                       crating a role 




Using drama techniques

Use voice, body- language, movement and energy to perform a role

how to do this

  • Physical training exercises

  • Games

  • Improvisation

  • rehearsal

  • Role on the wall

  • Actors Questions

  • Script annotation

  • Intentions paragraph

  • Hot seating

  • Perform role

Bullies Names


So there 4 friends about to get on the bus and there going to do something silly so they said lets destroy the cameras .

They go to the bus driver and takes his glasses then we get his sports then we put it on his head then break his glasses 

they look around on the bus and see every bod in the bus looking at them were spitting every were on the bus pushing people around 

they go back to school and get suspended and they cool there parents 

Thursday, 24 September 2020

business and enter prize

 so my  business was not really a success but it was a plus we got one person

we made 5 dollars in profit 

i would change the my thing to a activity 

my highlights were getting one person 

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

how bees make honey

 How bees make honey

Firstly the bees need to find an appropriate food material the material is flowers. When they find a good flower they use there straw type thing to suck out the nectar from the flower.

Next they store the nectar in their honey stomach while the nectar is in the bees stomach the enzymes break down the nectar into honey

The following step is they go back to there hive and vomit the honey into other bees then vomit into there while the bees are in the honeycomb the flap there wing to dehydrate the honey

It takes a lot of time and effort for the bees to make honey.

Friday, 11 September 2020

2020 Hurumanu Learning Story Noah Flutey

My Learning Story

Hurumanu: 6                                                    

Name: Noah

Teachers:  MR Tisch

Term 3




Give at least three examples in each of the boxes below.

What We Did: 

  •  Division 

  •  Multiplying by 10 100 1000

  • Factions 

What I Learned: 

  •  I learned how to do decimal multiplying 

  • I learned a little of fractions 

My Favourite Part:

  •  Was the decimal multiplying 

  •  Algorithm 

  • Mathletics 

  • Banqer 

My Next Steps:

  •   to get better at fractions

  • And my division 

CARR Values: 

Make a statement below describing how you showed each of our CARR values during this Hurumanu.


Was to keep trying and ask my friends for help when i needed it


Was getting better at my times tables 


Was not to give up and just push my self 


I helped people we they asked for help 

Any other comments

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Ask eddie


Describe Eddie.’s personality joyful

How did  Eddie feel when the class asked him what a p owhiri is? Why? nervous

How does Eddie feel when Koro Tu comes back to school again? Why? He feels good because he gets to talk about his culture

How does the author feel about culture?

Explain what happens with Eddies picture and how he felt.

What is a kura/powhiri/koha/paepae? the powhiri a ceremony involving dancing.kura is school getting teached just tea reo maori

After the storm

After the storm

Who is in this family? Mum,Sam,Jesse,Dad,Mathew

How did Jessie feel when they found the skull? Why? He was scared and wondering how it got there

Would you have put your hand down the hole? Why/why not? I would put my hand down the hole because i would want to see what is down the hole

What does strewn mean? Write a sentence using the word strewn.

All of the pine cons was strewn all around the forest

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Philippines independents day

Image result for small philippines flag Why celebrate the Philippine Independence Day? | Philippine ...Filipino Chicken Adobo Recipe | Taste of HomeSpicy Beef Stew Recipe | Old Farmer's Almanac
Magadang umaga

so every year in Philippines  the independents day is on June 12. This is a national holiday in the Philippines. On June 12, 1898, Aguinaldo led the declaration of Philippine independence from Spanish colonial rule. Philippines independence was not recognised either by the United States of America or by Spain. The Spanish government later ceded the Philippine archipelago to the United States in the 1898 Treaty of Pairs.