
Wednesday, 11 December 2019

compliments word art

compliments word art

Today we did a word art it is when you take a picture of your self the go to word then you take a screen shot of your face.then write words about your self of what your good at and stuff that makes you feel like you. at first my class write one thing that they think im good at and some other stuff.

so this is what mine looks like

mystery of the missing gingerbread house

mystery of the missing gingerbread house 

from the past week we have been doing a sheet of the mystery of the missing gingerbread house each day we get 2 sheets and then we try figure it out and then the day we do the same thing again but just not the same sheet so these are my answers of the sheet.

Thursday, 5 December 2019

how to discover fake news

how to discover fake news

so if you see a site and it has some spaces in it that will mean like somebody is trying to scam you in a way.  another word for that is fishing. Fishing mean's they are trying to pull you into scams getting your money and more.if it comes up with a green lock next to your URL then it will give you the link but just be care full. 

so this is a link of a tree octopus so have a look and see if it is fake or real 

Thursday, 14 November 2019

toki village

yesterday we watched a 5 mins clip it was about a kid called toki and he is in a jungle by him self.we had to do a activity on him and his village so this is my village for toki.

Monday, 4 November 2019

lazy eight

lazy eight

In the past couple weeks we have been learning about how to calm our self down this one is the lazy eight you draw with you hands a eight you do it just like you do it on a peace of paper.when you go round the top you breathe in when you are at the bottom you breathe out.

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Mr chicken goes to the ware house

In the past week have been watching short clips of a book called Mr chicken goes to won was Mr chicken going to the warehouse.what i found hard was drawing the chicken.what i found easy was drawing the ware house

Thursday, 17 October 2019

My family

yesterday we did our family for a activity we had to make a google drawing of our family i made the t shirt coulours of my family's favorite coulours we all have different  favorite  coulours.

what i found hard was making the characters.
what i found easy was putting the coulours on to the t shirt  

Thursday, 26 September 2019

letter to the prime minister

Today in literacy we did a independent activity it was a letter to the prime minister it was about at school to get free lunches i think it would be a good idea because if you run out or didn't bring any lunch to school you still can eat something.

Monday, 23 September 2019

our space our place

hey readers

today we did homeroom time which is our space our place we did posters on what area we learn in like wet space,mat,campfire and breakout space this is me and my friend posters on what area we did the areas we did was mat and wet space.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

My own teacher drawing

Today in literacy we did a drawing of a teacher we read a book then we showed our drawing after we read a book my drawing is not good because Im not good at drawing only when i can look at it on a device.

Monday, 16 September 2019

venn diagram

Today in reading we did a venn diagram we read two articles about the characters you can see there names of the people on the peace of paper

Monday, 9 September 2019

Sophie pasco

Today in reading time we did a article about Sophie pasco she is a famous swimmer  to all new Zealanders and more she is one of the best swimmer in all history she has 9 golden medals six silver we didn't have a book to read so we searched up on the internet about Sophie pasco.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

equality and equity

Hey readers

Today in reading we did a poster of equality and equity the meaning of equality is what they need example if you are trying to watch a baseball game over a fence if there was a adult,teen adger and a 1 week old baby the baby would not be able to see but the other two would be able.And this is the meaning equity here is a image.

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Hair dressers

Hey readers

Today for a independent activity in literacy we went on the site for a picture and we had to see if the picture is for boys or just girls but no all toys are for boys and girls it is there opinion on what toys they like more. 

barbie dolls

Hey readers
Today i'm doing a post about barbie dolls,because yesterday we did something about what barbie dolls are aimed at,like barbie dolls are mostly girl toys,Because there was a picture and there was a girl in it so we think that it is aimed at girl.



From the past couple of weeks in cybersmart we have been switching through different sites like Biteable,Sumopaint,Canva and Powtoon.  the site that i am writing about is canva you can create bookmarks,and more.But in Maori i made this book mark about weather in Maori.You could yous it for making  posters,logos,presentations,cards,and a lot more.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Fair is fair

Hey readers

Today in literacy we did a sheet that represents what all of the three animals need to fill them up with food just  a naff food for them each.The animals were a elephant,giraffe,and one i didn't no.

Punch me's

Yesterday in literacy for a activity we did something about punch me's.It is a inflatable that you punch and comes right back i think it would be good for exercise.

Friday, 23 August 2019


Today in statistics we did a pictograph about a cows and how much milk they do in 5 days each cartoon is 2 for 1 what i found hard was  drawing cartoons on the other side.

Friday, 16 August 2019


Today in maths strand we learned about Pictographs. A pictograph is a graph that shows data through pictures. Below is mine  

Thursday, 15 August 2019


In letracy we read a book about Pluto.we had to do a poster about Pluto if it was still a planet or no i think Pluto is not a planet. What i think was hard was thinking if Pluto is a planet

Friday, 9 August 2019

Fossil facts

From the past 3 weeks we have been learning about fossils of how they fossilize  over time and the past years.Things that was easy was writing the facts down.Things that i found hard was understanding how things fossilize.

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Momment in time Apollo 11

Plan Charters my self Neil arm strong Family buzz Aldrin.

I was with my family in 1969 we were watching the first moon landing in the lounge. Every body in my family was so nervous. Nobody thought they would make it. So much could go wrong in the shuttle. 5 Mins later 321 BLAST OFF.

We just wished that we didn't have a black and white screen. When they were show casing in the rocket with all of the buttons we didn’t know what each one was for. But when they got onto the Moon and about to get out of the shuttle when Neil arm strong said i am going to take a step for man kind. When we were watching it in the lounge we couldn't here because it was really static the word we could here man kind.

Then he took a step for man kind and buzz Aldrin came out right after they were jumping around like tra la la la then Neil arm strong got the flag and put it down then. Switched to the news and the news report said we well tell every body when Neil arm strong and buzz Aldrin came back to earth at 10:30

They have landed!

For the past week we have been looking back when the first moon landing in 1969.

Monday, 24 June 2019

name code

my code was 556618

This activity was confusing at first.when i got the hang of it i manege to find out what my code was and i only found one code.

what i found hard was figuring out what we had to do in the first place

what i found easy was figuring out was my code when i got the hand.

Friday, 21 June 2019

My fortnite map

Today in geometry we got the chose of a map design out of mincraft,robox,fortnite,and more what would you do out of them.i chose fortnite because that is my favorite game to play other than call of duty black ops 3 2 1 are my favorite.i didn't get to finish because i didn't have time to.what i found challenging was drawing the pictures and more.what i found easy was finding a image of the fortnite map.This is my map.i don't think it is good.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

shopping at animates

Shopping at animates
Today in maths we got to chose ether out of shopping at animates or not to close game.i chose to do animates we got to chose out of a dog cat and other animals i chose a dog.what i found easy was finding what stuff the animals needs.what i fond challenging what i needed to find like dog food and what brand.

Thursday, 13 June 2019


In literacy we did a poem i have done a poem about a fox.what i fond easy was finding rhyming words for fox what i found challenging was thinking we the words is going to go
There once was a fox who had lots of blocks.

There once was a fox who had lots of blocks he used those blocks to make lots of clocks.

There once was a fox who had lots of blocks he used those blocks to make lots of clocks under the docks.

There once was a fox who had lots of blocks he used those blocks to make lots of clocks under the docs,with his mate ox

There once was a fox who had lots of blocks he used those blocks to make lots of clocks under the docs,with his mate ox and they enjoyed an ice block.

There once was a fox who had lots of blocks he used those blocks to make lots of clocks under the docs,with his mate ox and they enjoyed an ice block as they played roblox.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

The lost flock

This is my lost flock writing with one of my friends. It was a little bit harder working with other people. We thought of ideas then put it into a story. We had to only talk to each other using comments. 

what i found easy was editing with buddy,what i found challenging was writing the story.

The Lost Flock


Once upon a high time? There was once a mysterious sheep, going onto a big

adventure through the bright blue sky. “There seems to be a rope attached to him” said the lost boy on the ground

But that didn't bother the sheep from his big adventure. He didn't know where he was going he just wanted to see the gigantic world, the sheep sighs in disappointment. The sheep thought he was lost and he didn't know where to go.

Then another sheep floats “for goodness sake!” said the annoyed sheep. “Why can I just be in peace!” he ferociously kick’s the sheeps ballon and the other sheep falls. “Ahh that's better” he sighed in relief.


Day and night pass, the sheep gets nowhere but, then a couple hours pass and then the sheep that fell down then floated back up again with another pair of balloons. “That’s it !” he said in anger. A plane was about to fly past so the `sheep pushed the other sheep into the plane. “NOW WILL YOU GO AWAY!? ” Bahh!” said the other sheep. But that didn't stop him.

Then suddenly, 5 other floating sheeps come with hundreds of balloons on them. The sheep sighed “well if you can't get them away you gotta take them with you” The sheep turns back and kicks all of the sheeps to tomorrow, and pops all of there balloons one by one at a time. Then he said in a calm voice “my time has come, my journey should end here goodbye.”And he falls gracefully to the ground without a sound.


The other sheeps had a funeral, but then PLOT TWIST the sheep awakens joring the funeral and kicks every other sheep in the funeral. Then he sese in a calm voice “my journey isn't over I will be back to finish my journey goodbye...goodbye...

Friday, 7 June 2019

Map of Hansel and Gretel

Today in maths strand we did a map of Hansel and Gretel first we watched a video of Hansel & Gretel we planed what the map will be like then made the map this is what my map came out like.

Friday, 31 May 2019


IN geometry we have been looking at directions on google maps.we have learnt what a compass looks like and the directions:North,East,South,West,NE,NW,SW, SE.I remember it by saying never eat soggy weetbix.In this task.we have been identify what directions things are. what i found hard was finding what directions the places was.what i found easy was finding where the places.

Thursday, 30 May 2019

maths task

today we had to figure out a maths task we got into groups with my friends. we had to get the people in the right order we got clues from the site where we found what we had do.what i found hard was figuring out what is in the right order,what i found easy was drawing the circles and lines

Monday, 27 May 2019

shopping at the warehouse

Today in maths we have made a slide of our independent maths that you can put your work i have made a list that i had to make a room makeover by shopping at the warehouse.This is my list of what we bought

Friday, 24 May 2019


Today in geometry we learned about coordinates is made out of letters and numbers we had to do coordinates on the picture that i had to then do confidantes on this sheet of paper this is my sheet of paper.

Thursday, 9 May 2019


i have been learning about hockey but it was a long time ago but i never had the chance to blog it but this what i know about hockey. if you know something about hockey comment. i think what was challenging was having control on the ball,what i found easy was dribbling the ball.what i found fun was playing little mini games my team won two games a drawed one.

Friday, 3 May 2019

How to make a fortune teller

For the past week we have been doing fortune tellers weave done instructions to make a fortune tellers here is my instructions.

Friday, 12 April 2019


in letracy we readied a book about wassi that takes peoples birthday so you don't no when your birthday is.then we went to do our own wassi this is what my wassi looks like.

Friday, 22 March 2019

six-sentence story/ one upon a time

This week in writing we wrote a six sentence story about creating a character and adding deatail.Our focus was on creating sentences.We learnt that the four criteria of a sentence.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019


hay readers.Today in writing we did some learning about kindness it something that spreads through your body and heart.first we did a brain storm about what kindness is.Then we share our ideas to the teacher and she write our ideas on a big sheet of paper.Then we went on to a google doc and write a poem about what kindness is is my kindness poem.

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Writing lipogram exercise

Today in writing we used a picture prompt to create a lipogram is a sentence without using one particular letter.We had to write one interesting sentience describing the picture without using the letter i.what was challenging not able to use the letter i.

The dragon has forceful flames as hot as a oven.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

A moment in time

                                                                       A moment in time

hi readers. today we finished our  story about a jet plane.we took picture prompt and pictured that we were on the wing of the plane. i enjoyed writing the story. what i found challenging was thinking of ideas.
I am on my diamond jet.I take a nape and i wake up on the wing off the jet.And i was terrified when i looked down i was high in the sky then i looked up and saw a beautiful sun set.The i took a nape and wook back up in the jet and i thought it was in real life.

The end by Noah

Thursday, 7 March 2019

hockey practice

   hockey practice

today in we had peter from the Canterbury hockey he visited us in hockey we were learning about dribbling.when we were dribbling the ball it kept moving away from my stick.first we did dribbling we had imagine the ball was stuck to the stick  like glue.after that we learnt how to stop and dodge other people we had to control the ball at all times.lastly we played a game like rob the nest we had to run out to the sentere of the 4 hoops and get the ball out off the middle hoop then run back to your hoop and when all off the balls from the middle hoop then you steal the other balls out off the other teams hoop. then we went back to morning tea.

what i found hard was dibbling

what i found easy was the game

i learnt was dribbling

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

All about me

in cybersmart we have been doing a all about me post we write facts about our self as a example I have a brother and im a year 6.